Be careful with what you wish 'cuz you just might get it.

30 dezembro, 2010


im too narcissist so i must post a few photos of my self......because, you know......IM BEAUTIFUL!!! ahahahaha









Another year goes by...this one i may say really slowly, but finally ended...
a lot of thing happened, most of them im not really through.....but anyways as some say we must get through it and go ahead...easy for they to say, well....
Apparently i have a great power of ruining friendships, yeah, that's quite my thing...jessica, yuri, and recently thiago, congrats to me! but hey, maybe, just maybe it isn't my fault, ANYWAY!
This post it is not to discuss my ability to maintain friends, who i considered BEST, and now they're gone....This post it is mostly for me to write what is in my heart, as always, cus i really don't have any one left to share this kind of thing, im not really complaining, im just saying....

three days from now, im going to be in a plane on my way to DISNEYLAND!!! fuck yeah! I still can't believe it...for real!

I know it isn't thanksgiving, we don't even have this in this shitty country, BUT, im going to say a few thing im thankful for, in this year.

- Im Thankful for my mum, first and always, she's such a strong woman.
- Im thankful for my tattoo
- thankful for my job
- thankful for rodrigo, that always make me feel so beautiful and young.

that's what i can remember right

I'd like to say to jessica, i still miss you, less and less every day, but i still do, a lot... the good things with you it was that, i was never left home, and i felt like i had a FRIEND really, who i could cry, you were the one who listened to me, no matter how non sense i was. unfortunately it ended like it seeing your pics, i just don't see the same you...weird. And i can't pass once by R. augusta with out thinning of WEIRD, funny!

I'd like to say to yuri, you were the most WEIRD part of my year, we were friends for long YEARS....and out of nowhere we got together again, and it was the most exciting part of my year, i was unbelievably happy, FOR REAL...
I didn't had to pretend nothing, and even if i tried to, you'd know, you always of all ppl knew me!!
I miss you just in the most ridiculus way possible, I seriously just can't describe! I WISH you could see my hair now, is so big, I WISH i could share with you my excitement about Disney, and Harry Potter and the DH part 1, and i miss talking to you the whole night, i miss talking to you about sushi...=/ JUST MISS YOU A LOT.... and i hate that im crying the hell out of me right now, writing this fuck.

I'd Like to say to thiago, cant believe i thought you were really changed, i miss you truly!

- 2010 were NOTHING as i expected it to be, it turned out really, not cool.....
- i didn't passed this semester in college
- i didn't got to lose weight


I'll be just like those great women i see on TV and Series, and Books, and BE FIERCE!!!

you know what?

I could really use a hug right know.....

now i must go, my nephew's hungry..... lol


30 novembro, 2010

lost in the moment you disappear

im whole lot different from who i was in those lest posts......i've moved on from davi, im determined to reach my aim, i still miss yuri, and as u can see i don't give damn any more, so i can say the names i want, I DONT FUCKING CARE who read this....
im whiting because i want to, and you're reading because you want to, so if u don't like it..... FUCK OFF!!!
my essence is still pretty much the same, im the same girl, stupid, dreamy, all the same....just more in the "i don't care" stile......
apparently i've lost two of my dearest friends, yuri and thiago, who i deepest loved, and still do....don't fucking know why, but if im not good enough for you guys im were just right to me....well.... =/ what can I do, right?

i wanted t do a post for yuri's birthday, which was november 23th [?] and i still plan do to so, is just that im really going crazy about exams and every thing, too much going on right now... =/ but imma do it soon!

i have to study evolution right now, so i post more next week, when im over with this final exams!!!

oh, i have going to disney in january 2 by the way!!!! \o/ couldn't be happier!

22 outubro, 2010

here I am

here i am, but for how long i cant tell you...cuz' im not quite sure!
after all this time with out posting not even a picture, i can say that nothing really if you wanna now what's the previous posts....

but you now, once again its good to just inform that this blog is purely of me to clean my heart, though no one reads this shit, what matters is that im good by writing it anyways....

so right now, i can say that the worst fear i've ever became true......i fell like i have absolutely no friends...i only have ppl to hang out with, but none of then really cares whats going on with know, i fell like i have no fucking shoulder to lean on....besides my moms......thats fucking sad....and thats mostly why i want to get out of this fucking country hell!!

id rather have an indian friend(nothing against indians this is just an example) then stay in brazil with no true friends at all....

you know, jessica could be anything(and she surely was) but besides all that shit, she was a nice, good friend...and then all the shit happened, and i was with out a friend.....then i re-met yuri and it felt better then jessica's time...then aaaaaall the shit happened again....
so i guess im due to be okay, im gonna be over it, as soon as i get OUT OF THIS FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!

i express my self better in english anyways, so i dont belong here!!! im due to be royalty!!!!! sorry!

the good news...

-november 5th im going to rio de janeiro to try to get my US Visa so i can....
- go to Disney in january!!!!!!!!

hell yeah you people! im going to disney see THE WIZARDING FUCKING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!

plus, im preparing all of my stuff to go to london in two years hopefully!!!

thats pretty much it!!!


22 agosto, 2010

eu tenho medo do inseguro

eu to me sentindo tao idiota esses dias....tem tanta coisa passando pela minha cabeça...
eu acho que vou escrever em ingles, pq eu acho que me expresso melhor assim....sei la
bom, nao, vai ser em portugues mesmo que é p todo mundo conseguir ler!
quer saber?
esse final de semana eu ouvi alguem me dizer: "toma uma atitude uma vez na vida"
e eu acho que ele ta certo viu? devia mesmo? pq eu sempre ensaio dizer tudo oq eu tenho p dizer, mas nao eh o espelho e nem o meu travesseiro que precisam ouvir!
ta, mas beleza nao vai ser hj q eu vou gritar nomes e zaz aki....
eu devia mesmo sair, chegar e pa falar tudo q eu sempre quis. mas pra que?
pra eu faria isso? se no fundo, no fundo, eu SEI que nao adianta!
eu sei que ele nao liga, eu sei que pra ele tanto faz, eu sei que pra ele oq vale mesmo eh o sexo, eu sei pra ele eu sou uma amiga mto legal, eu sei, eu sei de tudo isso...=/
mas e dai? qq eu posso fazer? esquecer n da po, nao eh assim que funciona....toma no cu viu, pq comigo?
pq sempre comigo? vai ser otaria assim na puta que pariu

ah eu falo palavrao mesmo, nem ligo que ninguem le essa bagunça aqui....

mas pra mim eh diferente pra mim oq importa nao eh o sexo, e nem oq parece, ou oq os outros pensam....nada disso importa pra mim....alias para mim eh bem pouco que importa...

eu qria sabe? nao precisar passar por isso, e ja que to tendo que passar qria que fosse mais simples, eu com ele, ele cmg...
ah ja perdi todo o sentindo nesse negocio aqui...como sempre!

enfim, eu devia mesmo tomar uma atitude uma vez na vida, so no qria foder tudo de vez, deixa pra la vai...
ja falei demais, e se eu ler tudo mais uma vez eu apago tudo.....


e so p descontrair o ambiente:

eu e o pedro henrique(sobrinho)

mais uma so pra descontrair mais um pouco?
eu rio na cara do perigo! como ja dizia o simba no rei leao 1 ne...ahahhahahahaha
so espero que nao apareçam hienas tentando me comer, como no filme,,, ;)

mais uma? mais uma? vc gosta de ver o circo pegar fogo né?
entao tá mais uma!

hahahahaha nã nã nina nao, mas ne, é como dizem, fica sempre a dica ai ne......ou nao!

12 agosto, 2010

im always gonna wanna blow your mind

the title is a song by train called hey, soul sister!
listen, it's a really good song, at least I like it, you should give it a try!
So after a long time, here I am posting something totally non-sense, but at least posting, come on!!..hahahaha
nothing really good happened to me this days...
just the usual, job, college, stressed a issues...nothing to different from others lives..I hope!

Oh, I know something that I didn't posted here yet....I'm the official photographer of the P.D.I u may ask me, "hey, Mariana, what freaking band is that?" so I answer you, they're not famous, yet I hope...hahahaha it is my friends band...
and may I say a pretty good band, they're getting really I may post some pics latter...if I feel like it. of course

I just started a new semester in college and, it seems that is gonna be hard, again, I don't know see, I love biology, but it's like biology doesn't love me back...or I'm really stupid...I'm such a bad student..I try so hard....but nothing seems to work...I must try harder its the best I can do....

and once again, I can't wait to go to London...I feel like I don't belong here....maybe I don't belong there either...but I'll just know that when I get there, so I must go....and actually I don't plan getting back here to this mess we call brazil....
there in england may not be the best country, but hey...I hope it's better then in here, and may I say, I believe it is!!!

how ever it is, is there I want to where I want to live, to work, to try my infinity best, to study more and harder, to date, to go out, to drink and get drunk, to have sex, to marry, to make my life happen!!!!!!!!
And pretty soon I hope...
thats why I'm working as hell, in something I don't even like, AT ALL.....
I'm saving all my money, I'm studying english, that's what I pray every night for, that's what I dream of every freaking time I put my red head in my pillow....that's my dirty little secret...maybe not so dirty and not even secret...but fucking yeah IM GOING TO LONDON, NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!

oh well...another thing I must say... I freaking hate first I get really rude, and angry..then, I just want to cry about every little thing(like right now) and in the end I get all happy and dirty...ahahahaha if you know what I mean...

so yeah....
that's a fucking big post, for someone who don't have anything to say...but that's what a blog is for right?
so I can say what ever I want....and so I did it!

aaaaaaand that's the end for today folks!

e pra vc que não sabe ler inglês, vá aprender, estamos século XXI(21, pra vc que não sabe números romanos) já passou da hora de você saber a língua mais falada no mundo, ou vc acha q vai longe falando um português mal falado?

E para você que só gosta de ver fotos...que bom, pq eu adoro postar fotos =)

me and my nephew Pedro...i miss him!

16 julho, 2010

who gives a fuck?

Oxford Comma
by Vampire Weekend

Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
I've seen those English dramas too
They're cruel
So if there's any other way
To spell the word
It's fine with me, with me

Why would you speak to me that way
Especially when I always said that I
Haven't got the words for you
All your diction dripping with disdain
Through the pain
I always tell the truth

Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?
I climbed to Dharamsala too
I did
I met the highest lama
His accent sounded fine
to me, to me

Check your handbook
It's no trick
Take the chapstick
Put it on your lips
Crack a smile
Adjust my tie
Know your boyfriend, unlike other guys

Why would you lie about how much coal you have?
Why would you lie about something dumb like that?
Why would you lie about anything at all?
First the window, then it's to the wall
Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth

Check your passport
It's no trick
Take the chapstick
Put it on your lips
Crack a smile
Adjust my tie
Know your butler, unlike other guys

Why would you lie about how much coal you have?
Why would you lie about something dumb like that?
Why would you lie about anything at all?
First the window, then it's through the wall
Why would you tape my conversations?
Show your paintings
At the United Nations
Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth

-----best songs ever!!!

Listen to them....Vampire Weekend Really awesome!!!!
I could post all of their songs here...LOL